These Are The Most Notorious Groupies In Rock ‘n’ Roll History

Published on November 8, 2017

Connie Hamzy

The rockstars began calling Connie Hamzy, “Sweet Connie.” This Arkansas native also inspired lyrics. Grand Funk Railroad wrote, “Sweet, sweet Connie, doin’ her act. She had the whole show, and that’s a natural fact,” in their song “We’re an All American Band.” Apparently, she had relations with Alice Cooper, John Bonham and Keith Moon. If you want to know more, read her autobiography, Rock Groupie: The Intimate Adventures of “Sweet Connie” from Little Rock.

Connie Hamzy

Connie Hamzy

Josie Stevens

Although not a groupie of Bowie or Jagger, Josie Stevens has made quite the name for herself. She modeled for Playboy, video game characters and other projects. She also is very skilled as a makeup artist. She married Billy Idol’s Steve Stevens in 2008. From then on, she helped manage him and do the makeup of course! Her talents don’t stop there. Since 2011, she has had her own clothing line that huge celebrities such as Nicki Minaj and Paris Hilton enjoy. Oh yeah, in 2010 she and her husband starred on Married to Rock, a reality show.

Josie Stevens

Josie Stevens