Bee Gees: Everything Fans Should Know About Best-Selling Pop Group

Published on January 2, 2018

Record Label Said They Were The Beatles to Get Played On The Radio

The Bee Gee’s record label took advantage of the fact their sound so closely resembled the Beatles. The label sent songs such as “New York Mining Disaster 1941” to various radio stations without a band label. They believed people would think it was new Beatles material. They were right! Many radio stations fell for the gimmick and thought they were playing the Beatles.

The Beatles

The Beatles

Robin Wanted to Make a Movie About an Underwear Bomber

When Robin was just 19, he wanted to make a film about a man with an underwear bomb. He started working on the film in 1969 and wanted it to be called “Family Tree.” He never made the film, and after the famous moon landing event, he was inspired to compose more music.

Robin Gibb

Robin Gibb