How To Deal With A Pregnancy Cold Or Flu

Published on May 22, 2022

If you’re pregnant and you realize that you’ve come down with a cold or flu, your first instinct might be to panic. Of course, the most stressful part is not knowing what the proper protocol is, so we’re here to tell you that you can relax, as much as you can. Dr. Sharee L. Livingston, an OB-GYN in Pennsylvania shared:  “OTC medications are [generally] safe during pregnancy, especially if used as recommended. Some of these medications include pain relievers, decongestants, antihistamines, antidiarrheals, and antacids.”

What To Do When Feeling Sick While Pregnant

What To Do When Feeling Sick While Pregnant

If you’re wondering if you can take Nyquil, the answer includes a caveat. Dr. Livingston said: “Most OTC medications have an excellent safety profile, but not all of them are created equally. Some medications, like NyQuil, should be avoided during pregnancy. Most NyQuil products contain a small amount of alcohol, and like [alcoholic beverages], should be avoided during pregnancy.”

So long story short, Nyquil is not the best idea while pregnant. So what are some safe ways to help get you through this cold or flu while you’re still pregnant?

Staying Hydrated

This might seem obvious, but it really is one of the most important things to do in order to start feeling better. Drink as much as possible to flush out those pesky germs that are making you feel so cruddy. Try to drink between 8 and 12 glasses of water each day.

Staying Hydrated

Staying Hydrated

Using Steam

If you’re feeling very stuffed up, you should use steam. If you don’t have a vaporizer or steamer, no need to worry. You can run your shower on hot water, close the door, and sit for a few minutes until the steam will help thin out the gunk that’s keeping you all stuffy.

Using Steam

Using Steam

Drink Honey & Lemon Tea

Make yourself some pregnancy-safe herbal tea or hot water with honey and lemon and we promise that you will instantly feel better. The beverage will soothe your throat and the vitamin C will help strengthen you again.

Drink Honey & Lemon Tea

Drink Honey & Lemon Tea

Hot & Cold Compresses

You should also try alternating hot and cold compresses to help reduce swelling in your sinuses. This might also help you with the chills. Alternating between hot and cold will help keep you from shivering. You can do this with a washcloth or with a hot or cold pack.

Hot & Cold Compresses

Hot & Cold Compresses


One of the best things you can do for yourself to get over the cold or flu is to sleep. Your body needs sleep so your immune system can fully fight off the germs that are making you feel sick. This is the best way to help you recover as fast as possible.

