24 Pieces of Advice New Parents Hate to Hear About Sleep Training Their Child

Published on January 5, 2017

“I would never do that.”

Okay, this kind of comment is generally okay if the person saying it is your doctor and you are doing some sort of interactive training. Any other time that a parent says this to another parent, it means war. Okay, maybe not war, but we’ll definitely get more than a little annoyed. Maybe you wouldn’t do that, but if it works for our family then we will.

I Would Never Do That

I Would Never Do That

“You really let them cry it out?”

There’s a genuine way to ask this question and a not so genuine way to do it. Drop the sass and the sarcasm and ask in earnest. You might just get an earnest response back.

You Really Let Them Cry It Out

You Really Let Them Cry It Out?