Bill Murray: Who Is This Funny Guy Off-Screen?

Published on June 20, 2018

SNL Brawl

In the late 70’s, Bill Murray replaced cast member Chevy Chase on Saturday Night Live. During the third season of SNL, Chevy Chase came back to host and the two men got into a huge fight. Just as they were about to start recording, the two exchanged insults and came close to getting physical. As stated in the book Live From New York, Chevy Chase insulted Murray comparing his acne-scarred face to the moon while Murray implied that Chase could not satisfy his own wife. Finally, other cast members pilled them apart, with Murray yelling that Chase was “medium talent!”

SNL Brawl

SNL Brawl

Actual Strikes

Remember that iconic scene in Kingpin when Ernie (Bill Murray) bowls three strikes in a row? In real life, Murray really hit three consecutive strikes. Therefore, those reactions from the crowd are just as authentic!

Actual Strikes

Actual Strikes