These Are The Most Notorious Groupies In Rock ‘n’ Roll History

Published on November 8, 2017

Julia Holcomb

Many know about Steven Tyler’s relationship with Julia Holcomb because of their large age difference. Julia first met Tyler at an Aerosmith concert when she was only 16 years old. Coming from a troubled home, she took refuge in the rocker lifestyle. Now, Holcomb reflects on that time from a different mindset, but she holds no grudges against Tyler for some of her more traumatic experiences.

Julia Holcomb

Julia Holcomb

Mandy Smith

Rolling Stones’s Bill Wyman began seeing Mandy Smith when she was 13 years old. She met him at a club in England. Then, in 1989, the two married once she was 18 years old. Only two years later, the two ended their marriage. When reflecting on her relationship, Smith told the Daily Mail writer, “It’s not about being physically mature. It’s emotional maturity that matters. I don’t think most 16-year-olds are ready. I think the age of consent should be raised to 18 at a minimum, and some girls aren’t even ready then.”

Mandy Smith

Mandy Smith