Most adults (and children) dislike going to the doctor or dentist, and it turns out that your pets don’t want to go to the vet! However, it really sucks for them because many animals don’t realize they’re headed there until they arrive.
While they don’t like it, their humans often document the moment so that everyone else can enjoy them. As a pet owner yourself, you’re sure to recognize the looks they give. It’s just what animals do when faced with the idea of going to a veterinarian. Does your furry friend react similarly when they have to see the doctor?
Don’t Let Me Go
Here’s a dog that doesn’t have shame. She might be a big girl, but she needs her owner’s affection to ease that anxiety. While she’s intimidating, she’s just a big baby at the vet. Most animals are scared at that time, so it’s no surprise.

Don’t Let Me Go
Blend into the Environment
This cat was likely inside the office when the picture was taken. She had nowhere else to go, and that was the perfect hiding spot! We’re impressed with the attempt. In fact, her fur just blended so well with the cotton balls and wall, though we’re sure she was found.

Blend into the Environment