Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic superheroes in the history of the genre. She has been portrayed on television, in movies, and in countless comics. Today we are trying to do Wonder Woman justice by looking at incredible pieces of trivia about the character’s portrayal throughout the years, focusing primarily on Lynda Carter’s 1975 series!
Wonder Woman first appeared in broadcast form on The Brady Kids.
Well, how about that. Of all the ways the character could have been introduced, it was on an animated spinoff of The Brady Bunch. She appears in an episode where the Brady Bunch travels through time to compete in the Olympic Games. What a weird era. More people focused on cartoons and less people focused on things like, I don’t know, health insurance coverage.
Lynda Carter, the original Wonder Woman, plays ANOTHER DC character.
As we all know, Lynda Carter played the original Wonder Woman on the 1975 TV show while basically inventing fashion courses for female superheroes. Just recently, Carter played President Olivia Marsdin in The CW show, Supergirl.