Frankie Valli And ‘The Four Seasons’: Inside Story On The Hit Band

Published on April 1, 2018

Name Change

Perhaps, you’ve seen Jersey Boys, the musical or film, and recall this tidbit. We’re here to confirm this is true. Frankie Valli was born Francis Castelluccio and did in fact change it since it was too long for a singer. Thus, he chose Frankie Valley, drawing from his friend, Texas Jean Valley. However, then he chose to make it more Italian by settling on what we know him as today, Frankie Valli.

Name Change

Name Change

Age Too

It wasn’t just his name that Frankie changed. At the time, the band members were a bit older than other singers and bands. When “Sherry” soared on the charts, Frankie Valli was 28 years old. However, the record companies made his adjust his age. Thus, he became ’25.’ However, his authentic birth year, 1934, was printed on the album he had made with The Four Lovers. Also, once the band got arrested in Columbus, Ohio, his mug shot went public, along with his driver’s license and it was clear he was born in 1934.

Age Too

Age Too