These Events That Happened At The Same Time Will Have You Rethinking History

Published on March 20, 2019

Apple Was Incorporated In 1977, The Same Year Charlie Chaplin Died

Can you believe that everyone’s favorite tech company, Apple, was incorporated all the way back in 1977? We may associate the brand with our beloved iPhones, but Apple Computers has been around for quite some time. To really put things in perspective, 1977 was also the year in which Charlie Chaplin passed away.

Apple Was Incorporated In 1977, The Same Year Charlie Chaplin Died

Apple Was Incorporated In 1977, The Same Year Charlie Chaplin Died

John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley, and C.S. Lewis All Passed Away On November 22, 1963

Sometimes, prominent figures pass away within the same week, which makes it hard for the public to process. However, on November 22nd, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and famed authors Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis passed away as well. It seems a bit odd that they all died on the same exact day. But sometimes life works in mysterious ways!

John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley, and C.S. Lewis All Passed Away On November 22, 1963

John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley, and C.S. Lewis All Passed Away On November 22, 1963